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And get a free copy of my Novella ~The New Girl~ a prequel to My spirit catcher Trilogy, p

   A little about me?


   I guess you could say I'm just an average girl of the 80's. I read a lot, watched cartoons, and constantly dreamed of growing up so I could wear makeup, perm my hair and fall in love. I also wanted to change my name to Christine, because that's what all the cool, older girls in the 80's were called. 

   I read my first Point Horror novel when I was eleven, The Fever, by Diane Hoh, just after it was released in 92'. And I'm pretty sure it's one of the main things that shaped me as a human. It definitely sparked my love of pulp fiction. I can clearly remember, as soon as I'd finished reading it, sitting down at the kitchen table and tried to write my own book... it was terrible.

   Skipping forward several years, I was fifteen and I'd read a decent amount of Point Horror by then, but one of my best memories is of mum pulling up in the driveway after she'd picked us up from school. My sister had left her copy of Richie Tankersley Cusick's, Trick or Treat in the glove compartment, so I started reading it on the way home... and continued to read after everyone got out of the car and went inside. And I didn't stop until eight o'clock that night when I finally finished the book. By then the light was so bad I could barely see the words. 

   I still do that - read outside in the middle of summer until twilight takes the sun away and the words become splotchy blobs on the page. I love it. 

   Speaking of which, it's the middle of summer right now. I'll be starting Caroline B Cooney's The Cheerleader as soon as I finish typing this and get into bed. 

   So... yes, that's it. That's me

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